SHOWING vulnerability
AND seeking TRUTH…

… are the two wings of a bird that sets you free

Explore your Breath


 Return to the wisdom of your body 

It is all in your body…

the mental freedom, the wild expression, the balanced emotions, the healed body aches, the embodied feminine /masculine energies flowing naturally through oneself. It is all here for you, in fact, it has never left you!

reprogram subconscious patterns

reprogram subconscious patterns

the subconscious.

This can not be simply achieved by the rational part of the mind (this part of the brain is only fully developed by the age of 7.) Trauma can happen already in the womb of the mother, and is therefore stored in the subconscious areas, like sensory and cellular memory – ( aka the theory that memory can be stored outside the brain)

When you are in the beta mind frequency you are in the wrong brain frequency to heal the deeply buried past causes of stuck e-motions. Therefore solely speech therapy is often failing or taking way too long to rewire the subconscious.

THE BERN METHOD is the missing link between rational healing concepts and embodied understanding.

from superficial safety to true emotional Self-Guidance

from superficial safety to true emotional Self-Guidance

reclaim your inner child essence

Nervous system regulation, emotional release and body intelligence training is what I offer you

in my private container of the 6-week “ FEEL TO HEAL” program

With the BERN Method and my safe guidance

you have found a master tool that will bring you back to your own inherent SELF-healer qualities and truly reprogram your subconscious behaviour patterns.

A secret of life!

Let me spill a secret; the body is the inner child, the nervous system the alarm system that governs the child’s safety , the mind a collective copy of the adults voices and their beliefs in your upbringings.

The BERN Method

My BERN Method works exactly with these principles in an easy and most effective way that even a five year old could understand and rightfully so, as this was the timeline when most needed support and truly entire generations have failed to hold space for a child’s emotional development in the age 0-7 years old before the brain was fully developed. Out of these lost playful learnings back then has now formulated over years unbelievable deep emotional scars in individuals and humanity at large.

Words of Transformation by my Clients

To seek mastery over your own emotional world is not wishful thinking, nor unachievable but takes a tremendous amount of willpower and trusting the process of returning to a childlike essences.

your body is a portal of timeless wisdom

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